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سلسلة الأخلاق والآداب

Ethics and Manners Series - Diligence and Sharing with Others

89 SEK
Diligence and sharing with others The series of ethics and morals relied on the language of familiarity and love in the mother’s dealings with her two children, Ahmed and Sarah....
إتقان (أساسيات القراءة العربية)

Mastering (Basics of Arabic Reading)

59 SEK
Mastering (Basics of Arabic Reading) Mastering the basics of correct Arabic reading Rashid Part (Add and Modify) Because we at Itqan Foundation believe in the necessity of continuous development of...
سجادة الصلاة للأطفال

Prayer Rug for Kids - Boys

89 SEK49 SEK
Prayer Rug for Kids - Boys Prayer rug for our dear children, in attractive colors. Dimension: 44cm*80cm. Weight: 100 grams
Riyadh Al-Saliheen

Riyadh Al-Saliheen

249 SEK199 SEK
Riyadh Al-Saliheen A must-have book for every home, written by Imam Yahya bin Sharaf al-Nawawi al-Dimashqi. It contains the authentic hadiths narrated on the authority of the Messenger Muhammad bin...
صحابة رسول الله

Smart Challenge - Companions of the Messenger of God

59 SEK
Smart Challenge - Companions of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace Smart Challenge Competitions, an educational deck of cards, in the form of questions...
مصحف مجزأ - ختمة قرآنية

Partial Holy Quran with Luxury Leather Bag - Quran Khatmah 1/30

299 SEK
Partial Holy Quran with Luxury Leather Bag - Quran Khatmah 1/30 Holy Quran, size 17*24 cm, divided into 30/1 Luxury leather bag with handle. Narration: Hafs on the authority of...
سجادة الصلاة للأطفال

Prayer Rug for Kids - Girls

89 SEK
Prayer Rug for Kids - Girls Prayer rug for our dear children, in attractive colors. Dimension: 44cm*80cm. Weight: 100 grams
مسابقات التاريخ والسيرة النبوية

History and Biography Competitions

59 SEK49 SEK
History and Biography Competitions Fifty cards for useful and enjoyable entertainment, including questions and answers from history and the honorable biography of the Prophet. Keywords: Ayman Ahmed El Sayed, Irshad...
70 طريقة تجعل ابنائك يحبون حفظ القرآن

70 ways to make your children love memorizing the Quran

149 SEK
70 ways to make your children love memorizing the Quran For many years I have been asking: How can we make our children love the Holy Quran and strive to...
أخلاق الرسول (ص)

The morals of the Messenger (PBUH)

119 SEK99 SEK
The morals of the Messenger (PBUH) Age group: 9 - 12 years Titles of the stories covered in the book: 1- Good morals. 2- The humility of the Prophet, may...
فاتتني صلاة

I missed a prayer!!

149 SEK129 SEK
I missed a prayer When we were young, we used to be ordered to pray by our elders. We would obey the order, then go to pray, but we would...


249 SEK
Remembrances The title is “Hilyat al-Abarar wa Slogan al-Akhyar fi Talkhiyy al-Du’aat wa al-Dhikr” (The Adornment of the Righteous and the Slogan of the Good in Summarizing Supplications and Remembrances),...