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مسبحة كريستال فاخرة

Luxury Crystal Rosary - Red

59 SEK
Luxury Crystal Rosary 99 tablets Color: Red Industry: Turkish
مسبحة كريستال 99 حبة

Luxury Crystal Rosary - Blossom

59 SEK
Luxury Crystal Rosary 99 tablets Color: Pink Industry: Turkish
القرآن الكريم

Smart Challenge - The Holy Quran

59 SEK
Smart Challenge - The Holy Quran Smart Challenge Competitions, an educational deck of cards, in the form of questions and answers. The box contains 50 cards made of cardboard. It...
صحيح مسلم sahih muslim

Sahih Muslim

499 SEK
Sahih Muslim Second Edition 2020 It is the most trusted book of hadith after Sahih al-Bukhari and contains 7563 hadiths. Muslim scholars agree that the hadiths in Sahih Muslim are...
الرياضيات والعلوم - المستوى الثالث

Mathematics - Level 3

99 SEK
Maths and Science - Level 3 Let's Learn Series Kindergarten stage 5 - 6 years Keywords: Ms. Alaa Al-Shallah|Ms. Zuhair Al-Bari|Ms. Imad Al-Saadi|Dr. Ahmed Al-Sayed, Ms. Alaa Al-Shallah|Ms. Zuhair Al-Bari|Ms....
سلسلة اكتب وامسح -المستوى الثاني- حركات الحروف

Write and Erase Series - Level 2 - Letter Movements

79 SEK
Write and Erase Series - Level 2 - Letter Movements It consists of a word and a picture that begins with the same letter. The child learns the Arabic letters...
بناء الشخصية

Character building

129 SEK
Character building The formation of a person’s personality begins in childhood. At this stage, teaching him the basic principles is important and easy to build his personality. In this series,...
بزل تعليم الوضوء

Ablution education puzzle

99 SEK79 SEK
Ablution education puzzle Wooden puzzle to teach children ablution in a fun way. Keywords: Kids Land
بزل تعليم الصلاة

Puzzle teaching prayer

99 SEK
Puzzle teaching prayer Wooden puzzle to teach children how to pray in a fun way. Keywords: Kids Land
نظرية الفستق2

Pistachio theory 2

179 SEK
Pistachio theory 2 Written by Fahd Amer Al-Ahmadi. The pistachio theory says: Any sudden, small and unexpected action can cause great, permanent and unexpected tragedies. If you want to avoid...
الواضح في التجويد

The clear Quran in Tajweed

299 SEK
The clear Quran in Tajweed (On a copy of the Qur’an narrated by Hafs on the authority of Asim, in the Uthmanic script) This blessed project offers the easiest way...
القرآن الكريم وبهامشه تفسير الجلالين

The Holy Quran and its margins, Al-Jalalain’s interpretation

249 SEK199 SEK
The Holy Quran and its margins, Al-Jalalain’s interpretation The Holy Quran in the Ottoman script, narrated by Hafs, read by Asim. On its margin is the interpretation of the two...